Also, another entry what's sure to breeze into a top whatever at years end is this long awaited double 7"er from Tyvek c/o the What's Your Rupture? label. For a couple've yrs now WYR? have been perfecting a standard of excellence what's bein carried over from trademark Anglo labels such as Whaam!, Creation or 53rd & 3rd, releasin handmade & stamped vinyl from the likes of The Long Blondes, Comet Gain, Cause Co-Motion & Love Is All. So just when I think I got'em sussed they up & deliver this 4 sider from perhaps one of the tippest of the toppest bands workin the circuit in the here & now. Cherry picked off the 'Fast Metabolism' cdr-which I have played near to death-Tyvek effortlessly connect w/a 1-2 combination that seems fueled by equal parts Fast-era Mekons & Scars as well as Happy Squid's own Urinals & 100 Flowers. Nobody jolts back the juice with quite the same gusto as these guys & I for one could stand an LP's worth of tuneage from Los Tyvek's asap.Check'em out at; www.myspace.com/tyvekmusic & order the dbl 7" from http://www.midheaven.com/
also, check out the WYR page; http://www.whatsyourrupture.com/
I got lot's more what to gab about but your gonna have to give me a day to sort'em all out. Just when I thought I was done w/company & ol' Bull headed off to parts unknown, who comes along but Todd Blowbox, here in town to attend a convention for fortunetellers & the like. He's got some fancy name now, calls himself The Amazin Somethinorother, but he'll always be Todd Blowbox to me. It takes all kind's that much is for sure. Maybe I'll get him to break out the crystal ball for a few reviews. Until then, keep'em comin!
Neither Mattress nor Tyvek were killed in Viet Nam. Tyvek may have taken some shrapnel in Somolia, however....
When's the Paeces record landing?
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