I ain't had much time to keep up on the Siltblog folks, sorry 'bout that. I got the bright idea to attend the Man's Man's Man's Ultimate Surf Classic up to Saglek Bay in Labrador. Talk about cold water! And inhospitable people's & weather.....I do believe I'd concur w/JJ Audubon & say it is about the dreariest place on earth. Local's thought us crazy (we were!) & it weren't long before the whole shithouse went up in chunks. The waves was massive though, but the water so frigid you had to don these special wet suits (w/flipper feet) which made ridin the board near impossible. The event was sponsored but some ultra hush-hush faction of the Canadian Club distillery (or C.C. as they call it up there) so that weren't makin the event any less rowdy. All's there was to eat was smoked cod cakes & some kind've seaweed salad what was doused w/C.C. & vinegar. Whew, it was a chore to get down. It weren't but about 8 surfers into the thing when this local entrant, a Jonah somethingorother (an Inuit fella) got ate & swallowed by some kind've whale. It was a sight to behold! First he was up on his board & as the water began to swell, this massive body came flyin up almost vertical-like & underwater they went! Then a few seconds later up shot part've the board & his feet, like three little party favors. The surf classic was immediately called to an end. Eventually the Mounties come & we's all gave statements & once I said my piece I hightailed outta there to see the U-Boat station (Weather Station Kurt) up to Cape Chidley. It might've been a hoot but the rain & wind was so strong it made the experience a damn nuisance (someone had wrote above a swastika emblem 'Kilroy was here'. I thought that was funny). Later when I was fixin to chopper out've Cartwright I got invited by some Metis fella (I'll call him 'Joe') to a party at a lodge. Everyone was giddy & the C.C. was flowin like water. I should've sensed somethin was afoot. Next thing I knowed, turns out to be some fertility ceremony & I was the one what had to do the fertilitatin! I'd been keepin it to a dull roar but once I figured out the ruse I tried,as delicately as I could,to show myself out. Next thing I knowed I was jumped by a mess've Indians & as I was bein dragged (kickin & screamin mind you) to my...partner....this old tribal woman hauled off & clocked me up the side of my head w/a 3' scrimshaw phallus & opened me up like a watermelon! Next thing I knowed I was laid up in a hospital in Gouldsboro, Maine. The Canadian Club people'd been keepin a watchful eye on me. Once all the commotion happened they raided the place which sent all the participants scatterin. They got me outta Labrador & back here to Gouldsboro where I've been stitched up & am recievin some very fine R&R. I ain't got but a lick've hair & the swellin is so big I look like the kid Rocky in that movie 'Mask'. The pontiff of Siltbreeze went & mailed me up a mess've releases what's been waitin to be blogged & now that I can sit up w/o vomitin, I figure it's time to have a go at the keyboard. I can't but hardly think straight as it is, so this column is just a update sort've thing to let you know what's out there. Once I get my sea legs back, the spleen won't be long to follow. Here goes;
The fella over to Holy Mountain told me about this lp by Chrissy Zebby Tembo, callin it Zambian Psych & he wasn't lyin. Under the name Chrissy Zebby Tembo & Ngozi Family (though it's supposedly a solo deal) this album 'My Ancestors' originally come out in the early 70's & looks like it'd be somethin akin to Fela Kuti or Dub action but it's more like Sonny Sharrock's lost lp for PSF. It's a stone cold killer. Get it via; http://www.bompstore.com/
And speakin of Holy Mountain, a STACK of cd's has come out on that imprint, includin another keeper from Blues Control & a corker from White Lichens. Earth to Robert Lowe, earth to Robert Lowe; Terry Riley called. He says 'you win' & can he please have a hanky? The tear water is stingin his eyes. Go to; http://www.holymountain.com/ order from; http://www.midheaven.com/
Blues Control & Heavy Winged have a split 7" on the Not Not Fun label. Part of the Bored Fortress series, check'em out at; http://www.notnotfun.com/ & see what's ado about athis
Also on the 7" front, there's a new one from Blank Dogs (hot the heels of his 12"), released on the Hozac label. 3 tracks of muzzy mayhem, maybe it's my close proximity to Canada, but this time he out he reminds me of The Braineaters. Go figure. Edition of 400, try; www.myspace.com/horizontalaction
A cd by the Brainbombs has stormed into town, pillaging & plundering all in it's path. This is a volume collecting a slew of 7"er's what's been out've circulation for a while. Is that Freddie Wadling's head I see on a pike? Makes sense to me. Stateside at; http://www.s-srecords.com/ or try www.myspace.com/pollymaggoorecords if your in Europe.
2 new cd's also via the Soft Abuse label, the gurgling electro avant-ruralism of OV entitled 'Noctilacent Valleys' & one from Pumice ('Pebbles') that sounds like our hero has eaten the bread of Gate & drank from the cup of Alastair Galbraith. Sometimes he even breaks out like he stole Bruce Russell's Fire Engines records! The new sheriff of Xpressway County don't shoot no blanks. Great stuff. http://www.softabuse.com/
And the DIY stone just keeps on rollin down there at Hyped2death. The latest Messthetics (#103) is out & is as astounding as I've come to expect. This time it's the Midlands what get's Chuck's expert attention. I can't pick favorite's, they's all good! But it was nice to finally hear (& see) the 1st Digital Dinosaurs 7". If anything, this one's loaded with more obscurities (to me anyways) than past volumes.Excellent as always;
And lastly, the new LP from Ex-Cocaine 'Esta Guerra' (pictured) is available on Siltbreeze. You can buy it direct here, 15$ ppd US, 25$ elsewhere. Paypal to; sltrx@pil.net or go to http://www.midheaven.com/ where it is also in house. Edition of 500.
1 comment:
Yah that Tembo LP is fantastic!!;; it grew tentacles around my damn turntable and now I can't remove it, only flip it over n over...
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