Got this voice message bright & early today. A doctor once told me if she ever removes her ear from the ground she will die. There are worse ways to go:
Hello Roland-
This is your mother, how are you dear? Just calling to check in & see how things are going up there in the big city. Do you still have your cats? Remember, they are pets. Don't eat them (laughter)! Oh Roland, you are a good sport. What's new here; well, your aunt Nutter & I got our Costco cards in the mail last week then went over & spent a small fortune stocking up. I sent you a big box of socks & toilet paper via UPS. Has it arrived yet? There's also some venison jerky in there from that deer your uncle Dink bagged last season. Don't let it go to waste! Let' see, what else....oh, I just got a box of cd's from the fella that's sweet on me at PSF. His note's are so cute, I mean, his English is terrible, but yet the things he says he want to do to me......my lord! I guess you don't have to be Samuel Johnson to know where to put one (laughter)! Goodness, anyway, I've only gotten around to playing this live Kousokuya from '79 because I can't stop listening to it. It is amazing. Whatever hype & stuttering hyperbole you have read or heard about it...all true. It is way more aimless, looser & less sludge obsessed than previous outings you may know from 90's incarnations. I mean, on here they're just going for it, like running through a gauntlet, the whole idea is to get to the end, any way it takes. Don't you love that? I sure do. What can I say to convince you? It starts out with some free form berserkness, kind of like Throbbing Gristle performing an exorcism on a copy of Space Ritual. There's lot's of bleeps, jagged shards & impulsive blabber, then it's onto track 2 that sounds like demos for the Plastic Eno Band, from there it careens into some damaged corner of blurred cognizance where the jammy tracks off the Falling Spikes bootleg are worshipped adoringly, i.e., not unlike that tape you sent me of the second UN lp that remains unreleased. Tell that idiot boss of yours to wake the hell up! Son, you cannot continue to work for a man without vision. I won't stand for it. Now go & buy this cd, right now! Do whatever you have to but get a copy. Sell those cat's to some restaurant in Chinatown-ANYTHING-just don't miss out on this number. I hope you have a great day. We miss you. Be well.
Mother Woodbe
(Live At Minor is available via www.forcedexposure.com)