Supposedly 'Greed' is based on the 1st Ash Ra Temple lp ( or something to that effect) & you know what? I'll take their word for it. That's a pretty quiet record. 'Greed' isn't so quiet as it is thin. It's also mournful, plodding, turgid, brooding, directionless & under produced. Or if you like, it's a diner coffee version of a Fushitsusha lp.Maybe if I pranced around in leather & sunglasses all day long this might make sense to me. But right now the only thing that's making sense if how I can unload this & get my money back. If buying & collecting bellicose Japanese neo psych is the sort of thing that keeps your cash jumpin, boy have I got a bridge to sell you! Or go to www.forcedexposure.com